Accent Decor

Growing up working in his father’s greenhouse in Canada, Frank Hofland wanted to ‘contain’ the beautiful blooms his father grew and started traveling the world as a teenager in search of design-focused containers for his father’s business.

In 1997, he took that perspective to Atlanta, GA with his wife, Margaret, and three daughters, to start Accent Decor, Inc. with a dream to provide products that would ignite a passion for beauty and design within the floral industry.

Grounded in this belief that customers deserve the best new products, the Hofland family continues to scour the globe each season to build a new collection on the leading edge of today’s trends. 

This commitment has built a company that holds the industry standard for providing beautiful ceramics and glassware for the event and floral industries, on-trend home décor accents, and exceptional customer service.

Accent Decor advent advent calendar aluminum anthro inspired anthropologie antique gold antique gold finish antlers apron artisan autumn aviator hat ball bamboo banana banner baskets beach house bear Beatrice bicycle big hugs bird birds blue blue and white boho borosilicate glass bounty bowl bowtie brass brio lantern buck bud vase budvase buffalo plaid bunny bust cabana hanger cabana plant hanger cactus cactus vase cafe candelabra candle holder candle holders candleabra candleholder candlesticks candy canes cane cane webbing canister canisters cast aluminum cat cat eye glasses centerpiece ceramic ceramic bowl ceramic mug ceramic mugs ceramic planter ceramic pot ceramic pumpkins ceramic vase ceramic vases ceramic watering can charger Charlie checkerboard cheer chevron chinoiserie Christmas Christmas decor Christmas getaway Christmas joy Christmas ornament Christmas ornaments Christmas pillow Christmas plates christmas tree Christmas trees Christmas truck clay pots coastal coastal decor cocoa coffee coffee mug compote coral cowboy cowboy boot cowgirl cowgirl boot crepe paper cylinder lantern cypress cypress letters dapper don decorative bowl decorative tray deer deer antlers dinner plates dinnerware disco ball disco ball ornament disco ball ornaments doe drainage hole drinkware duck E+E E+E Collection Easter Eleanor elephant Elodie Eloise embroidered embroidery emerson enchanted critter Eric Eric + Eloise eric and eloise eric the hare Eugene event decor eye glasses Fall fall decor fall display felt felt animal bust felt ornament fern ferni flannel floral flower flower frog flower planter flower pot flower pot stand flower shoppe flower vase folk inspired food safe fox Frankie fruit fruit mugs garden garden apron garden decor garden pot garden vase gardening garland gingerbread house glass candle holder glass candle holders glass candlesticks glass lantern glass pot glass votive glasses glassware glitter glitter ornament globes gnome goblets goggles gold planter gourds Grecian green glaze halcyon hare hammered handlebar moustache hanging planter hanging pot hanging pots hare harvest holiday holiday decor holiday ornament holiday ornaments holiday pillow holiday plates holiday table holiday tree holiday trees holiday wall mounts holly jolly hot cocoa hot houseplant houseplants hugs i'm rooting for you jabi pot Jessica Heimstra jessica hiemstra joy Juneau planter Juneau pot jute keep on growing kitchen apron lantern lanterns leaves lemons lomita Louie Margie matte finish medallion metal candelabra metal lantern mice mittens Momento monocle moose Moroccan mouse mouse king mouse queen moustache mug mugs mushroom name card holders napkin holders napkin rings Nepal New Year's Eve noel nutcracker nutcracker waltz ochre ornament ornaments outdoor living over the rainbow owl paitned palm tree Parable dinnerware party lantern peace peace on earth penguin pheasant pineapple pink pipe place card holders plant plant hanger plant lady plant mom plant mom mug plant pot plant shop plant stand plant truck planter planter pot plants platter polar bear pom poms pomona porch pot pumpkin pumpkins rabbbit rabbit rainbow rainbow disco ornament rainbow glitter rattan rattan plant stand rattan planter reactive glaze reception decor red and green red truck regal mice regal mouse reindeer reindeer games rollerskate royal mice royal mouse Rudolph rye lanterns rye light shades saguaro saguaro vase Santa Santa Claus santa land Santa's Plant Village saucers scalloped scarf seagrass serpent serveware serving platter serving tray skiing sled snake so cal southern california Spring squash squirrel squirrel ornaments statue stocking stocking holder stockings strawberry streamer trees succulent succulent planter succulents swan sweet shoppe tableware taper candles tassels tea teacher gifts terracotta terracotta pot top hat totem townes baskets tray tree tree pillow trees trinket tray tropical tumblers turtle turtle planter turtle pot ugly Christmas sweater ugly sweater vase vases votive votive holder wall mount wall mounts wall shelf water your roots watering can wedding wedding decor wedding reception wedding shower While the Forest is Sleeping wildflower wizard candlesticks wood lanterns wood planter
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